The Woman Inspired Podcast

Tune in for inspiration, laughter, Biblical truths, zany stories and authentic growth in each podcast episode. Get inspired. Smile. Laugh a little...or a lot (c) 2018, 2019 2022, 2023 - McCracken All rights reserved.

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Sow what? (2Cor. 9:6)

Saturday Jan 06, 2024

Saturday Jan 06, 2024

There's a saying that goes, "Words are seeds. They do more than blow around. They land in our hearts and not on the ground. Be careful what you plant. Be careful what you say. You might have to eat what you planted one day." (unknown)  Do you know this to be true?
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about sowing seed - intentional sowing and unintentional sowing. What's the difference and why is it so important to be aware of it? Tune in to find out! 
Check out this episode at OR search for The Woman Inspired Podcast on Podbean, Google, Apple, iHeart, Audible and more...
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Thank you for tuning in to The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info about this podcast and how to reach Karen to schedule her to speak at your next event go to 
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Thursday Dec 21, 2023

Do you actually believe that Jesus is the son of God? Do you celebrate Christmas? What’s your favorite Christmas song? Favorite holiday movie? These are just a few of the listener questions I answer in this special episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast – “Holiday Questions and Comments”.
To tune into this fun, holiday themed episode go to my website at to listen via the podcast player OR you can find The woman Inspired Podcast on Podbean, iHeart, Apple, Audible, Podvine, Spark Media and other quality podcast platforms.
Thank you for tuning in…and I pray you have a blessed and Merry Christmas.
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Friday Dec 15, 2023

Are you feeling peaceful during the holiday hustle and bustle, shopping, cleaning, preparing, and cooking? Or do you feel chaos and craziness as your To Do list seems to get longer? 
Peace is an internal thing that can be had even when there is no peace in the external world around you. Nations and countries, religions and families, shoppers and employers may not be focused on peace but that doesn't mean you can't be. 
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about the peace Jesus offers us. Sheila Walsh said, “Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ." Do you believe it? Tune in to this episode where I share about the struggle to hold on to peace, where our true peace comes from and I share a personal story of my own struggle to hold on to peace in the middle of a NOT so peaceful shopping experience I had. 
For more info about The Woman Inspired Podcast go to
Thank you for tuning in to The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info about this podcast and how to reach Karen to schedule her to speak at your next event go to 
To connect with Karen on social media:
#christianpodcast #thewomaninspiredpodcast #1womaninspired #karenmccracken #peace #christmaspeace #peacefulness 

Thursday Dec 07, 2023

The Bible says that if you resist the devil, he will flee. Do you believe that? Do you live your life like it’s true? Do you even believe in the devil and his evil ways?
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we’re talking about resisting evil and what that looks like. What IS resistance? What does James 4:7 mean when it says “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”?
Resistance, discernment, and letting the joy of the Lord be your strength is what we’re talking about in this episode titled “Resistance is NOT futile”.
“She wasn’t afraid of doing good OR of resisting evil. She was merely afraid she might not be able to tell the difference.” Gregory Maguire
To tune in, go to OR search for The Woman Inspired Podcast on your favorite podcast platform.
To reach Karen and check out all the great Woman Inspired info, go to or follow on social media:
Thank you for tuning in to The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info about this podcast and how to reach Karen to schedule her to speak at your next event go to 
To connect with Karen on social media:
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Friday Dec 01, 2023

Sometimes it’s difficult to grab hold of joy. In the middle of wars and violence, financial crises, physical and mental health challenges, suicide and crime both increasing, it’s no wonder so many people feel as if they’ve lost their joy. In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about what Advent is, what it is not, and about the only true source of joy. I also share practical steps you can take to help you get your joy back.
“Adventus – celebrating with joy” is an episode filled with hope, scripture, and helpful steps to make the most of the beautiful Advent season to come.
Thank you for tuning in to The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info about this podcast and how to reach Karen to schedule her to speak at your next event go to 
To connect with Karen on social media:
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #advent #adventus #karenmccracken #christianpodcast #christmasiscoming #Hewillbeback #thesecondcoming

What is a miracle?

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

Thursday Nov 16, 2023

What's a miracle to you? Is it things you can see but can’t understand, like the fact that some animals can regenerate limbs? Or that we can talk into these little boxes called phones and hear someone’s voice who is thousands of miles away? Or maybe that something with feathers and a tiny body is able to fly? Or that somehow ALL the trees know just when to shed their leaves as one season changes into the next without someone telling them to? Maybe it feels like a miracle to you when your husband doesn’t leave his clothes lying on the floor or when your teenager does the dishes without being asked. Maybe to someone else it feels like a miraculous and extraordinary occurrence of divine intervention when they get to the dmv to renew their drivers license and there is no line!  
What do you consider a miracle?
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we’re talking about what a miracle actually is and how important it is to acknowledge them, embrace them and thank God for them!
To tune into this episode go to and listen in the podcast player OR search for it on the Spark Media podcast page and all quality podcast platforms.
For more info about this podcast and how to schedule Karen to speak at your next event or on your podcast, go to
Thanks for tuning in!       
To connect with Karen on social media:
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Friday Nov 10, 2023

Do you ever feel like life is spinning out of control? Crime is rising, protests abound, war is increasing, people are hungry, peace seems far away…and to top that off you have 100 things on your To Do list that you haven’t tackled yet; you have relationships that need attention, health issues to tend to, promises to keep and your energy is waning because your mind is dizzy with all that spinning going on! It’s no wonder so many of us feel like things are spinning out of control, but rest assured, “Anything under God’s control, is not out of control!” (C. Swindoll)
When we try to make all our own plans without consulting God, that’s when we fail but Proverbs 19:21 says, “Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”  
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about those challenges, how things feel like they’re spinning out of control, how to keep your plans in line with what God wants for you and what the Bible has to say about it.
To tune in to this episode, “Spinning out of control” go to OR look for The Woman Inspired Podcast in the Spark Media Network and other quality podcast platforms.
For more information about The Woman Inspired Podcast, go to
To connect with Karen on social media:
#spinningoutofcontrol #thewomaninspiredpodcast #christianspeaker #christianpodast #karenmccracken

The Great Escape

Friday Nov 03, 2023

Friday Nov 03, 2023

When all around you the world is in chaos and you feel pain, where do you escape to? Psalm 19:114 says, "You are my hiding place and my shield oh God – I hope in  your word."
In this week’s episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about The Great Escape – are you using something of the world to escape the troubles of today and the fear of the days to come or are you seeking refuge in Jesus, making Him your hiding place? 
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info on this podcast go to 
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Offended? (Matthew 24:10-12)

Friday Oct 20, 2023

Friday Oct 20, 2023

Do you know anyone who acts offended over every little thing? There are many today who are offended over even the slightest things but especially over the Bible itself. Matthew 24:10-12 says, "And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another. Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold." 
These are those times. 
In a world that seems more and more offended, we should strive to embrace kindness, love and care for each other. But we must also be on our guard not to water down, retract or change what we know to be the truth of the Word of God just so it doesn't offend other people. That's what we're talking about in today's episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, "Offended". 
To tune in, go straight to the podcast player on my website:  
OR search for on your favorite podcast platform. Thanks for tuning in! 
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Friday Oct 13, 2023

Have you ever wondered why we all see things so differently in life? Why two people can see the same thing but come away with different perspectives of it? How we see things, relate to them and express them to others makes a difference in how we walk out our purpose and how we share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, Karen talks about seeing things with greater vision - with the vision that only comes by seeing things through the eyes of Christ and His lens. 
For more info on this podcast go to Check out the social media links, videos and click on BOOKS to order Karen's newest book, Woman Stand Firm. 
#greatervision #theeyesofChrist #theviewfromhere #thewomaninspiredpodcast #christianspeaker #christianpodcaster #karenmccracken 


Tune in for inspiration, laughter, Biblical truths, zany stories and authentic growth in each podcast episode. You can find The Woman Inspired Podcast on Podbean, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and iHeart. Get inspired. Smile. Laugh a little...or a lot.

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