Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Are you walking into your day outfitted with the right clothing? Protected? Ready for whatever comes your way? Or are you standing around anxious, afraid and unprepared?
Col. 3:12 says, "So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience."In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we delve into how to "dress for success" by being clothed with the gifts God gives us. What are you putting on each day to help you on your path to purpose? Is it compassion, kindness, humility, patience, spiritual armor? If not, tune in to find out why it's so important that you do!
For more info on this podcast or how to schedule Karen for your conference or event, go to womaninspired.com
#karenmccracken #thewomaninspiredpodcast #armorup #christianpodcasts #christianspeaker #Col312
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
Thursday Jun 29, 2023
In the newest episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, we’re talking about truth and righteousness - specifically about clothing ourselves with both. Ephesians 6: 14 Says, “Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,” but are you actually going around spiritually naked? Unprotected? Clothed in things of the world you think might protect you but don’t?
Stormie Omartian said, “The Bible would not have told us to take up the whole armor of God in order to withstand evil if evil could have been withstood without doing that.” Is it time to pick put on your armor?
Tune in to this episode to learn more about truth and righteousness, how one hinges upon the other and how you can protect yourselves with them.
You can find The Woman Inspired Podcast on Podbean, Apple, Spotify, Google, Audible, iHeart and more.
For more info on this podcast and how to schedule Karen for your next conference or retreat, go towomaninspired.com
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccrackn #armorofGod #truthandrighteousness #christianspeaker #christianpodcast #faithbasedpodcast
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Thursday Jun 22, 2023
Ephesians 4:32 says Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
But how do we do that? How do we forgive and not take it back? In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about the commandment to forgive, how to know if you haven't actually forgiven someone and the importance of stopping UNforgiveness from stealing your peace.
Thank you for tuning in to this episode. Please like, share, follow and download. Your support is appreciated.
For more info on this podcast or how to book Karen as a guest on your podcast or at your next event, go to womaninspired.com
#forgive #forgiveness #letgoofunforgiveness #thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #christianpodcasts #accessmore #sparkmedia #inspiredwhispers #1womaninspired #womaninspired
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Friday Jun 16, 2023
Are you ready for the detours in life? The unexpected, the big, the small, the ruts, the bumps and the storms? In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, we talk about spiritually preparing for the detours in life. With an emphasis on strapping on those gospel shoes (Ephesians 6:15) and the rest of the armor of God.
With humor, experience, personal testimony of the good, the bad and the muddy, this episode titled "Armor for the detours", shares the Biblical truth of how blessed we are to have spiritual armor and how we can bless others by putting on that full armor.
Thank you for tuning in to The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info on this podcast, how to book Karen for your podcast or next event, go to womaninspired.com
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #christianhumor #christianinspiration #biblicaltruth #armorofgod #gospelshoes #inspiredwhispers #christianpodcast #christianspeaker
Friday Jun 09, 2023
Friday Jun 09, 2023
We're told to put on the full armor of God and one of those pieces of armor is THE ultimate head gear. We're blessed to have God's protection and blessing through the helmet of salvation...but what is it and why is it so important?
Tune in to this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast as we delve back into the full armor of God and what each piece of armor does for us.
For more info on this podcast or to contact Karen, go to womaninspired.com
Thanks for tuning in.
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #christianspeaker #fullarmorofgod #helmetofsalvation #christianhumor #biblestudy #inspiredwhispers #1womaninspired #thewomaninspired
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Thursday Jun 01, 2023
Proverbs 16:24 tells us that "gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones." And they can be. But words can also slice and dice, hurt and torment. Our words matter and so do the actions that preceed and follow them.
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast Karen talks about the power of words, the power in THE Word, and the importance of getting your words right.
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast.
For more info on this podcast, how to schedule Karen to be on your podcast or at your next event, go to womaninspired.com
Please like, share, follow and download.
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #chrisitanspeaker #cleanhumor #powerintheword #wordpower #inspiredwhispers #1womaninspired
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Proverbs 23:7 says, "As a man thinketh in his heart, so shall he be." This is evident in today's culture. As we look around to see all the name calling, surely we also know that this name calling that is epidemic in society today doesn't just happen one to another but to self.
Are you in the habit of calling yourself names? Negative, frustrated, degrading name calling affects our thoughts, our health and our relationship with the One who made us.
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, we talk about why name calling is so destructive, how it disrupts God's plan and your purpose and HOW to stop doing it.
Thank you for tuning in to this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info on this podcast and how to schedule Karen to speak at your next event or to be on your podcast, go to womaninspired.com
#asamanthinketh #karenmccracken #selftalk #womaninspired #1womaninspired #thewomaninspiredpodcast #christianspeaker #accessmore #sparkmedia
Friday May 19, 2023
Friday May 19, 2023
Sometimes it's so difficult to keep our eyes focused on Jesus when the buzz of distraction is all around us. What can you do? What keeps buzzing around you and how do you keep it from distracting you from the path the Lord has set before you?
Tune in to this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast to find out!
For more info on this podcast and to schedule Karen to speak at your next event or join you on your podcast, go to womaninspired.com
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #christianspeaker #christianpodcast #inspiredwhispers #1womaninspired
Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
1 John 4:8 tells us that whoever does not love, does not know God, for God IS love. But we often act as if God has little to do with love. What IS love? And what does God have to do with it?
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about what love is, how God's love manifests and why it's the most important love there is. With stories, some giggle-inducing humor, scripture and inspiration, this episode is all about the love!
Thanks for tuning in - for more info on this podcast or to inquire about Karen speaking at your next event or being on your podcast, go to womaninspired.com
#1john4 #Godislove #reallove #theloveepisode #whatslovegottodowithit #karenmccracken #thewomaninspiredpodcast #accessmore #christianpodcasts #inspirationalpodcasts #cleanhumor #chrisitancomedy #christianspeaker #womenspeakers
Thursday May 04, 2023
Thursday May 04, 2023
Decisions, decisions – we all have to make them - day in and day out, big ones and small ones. What guides your decision making? Do you look to Google, ask Alexa, seek advice from family or friends?
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about turning to God and His Word for wisdom, insight and strength to make the right decisions, be they big or small. With lots of humor, testimony and Biblical truth, this episode gets into the nitty gritty of daily decision making.
For more info on this podcast and how to schedule Karen to speak at your next event, go to womaninspired.com
#decisions #Godlydecisions #wisdom #Biblicalwisdom #thewomaninspiredpodcast #1womaninspired #karenmccracken #christianpodcast #christianhumor #christianspeaker