The Woman Inspired Podcast

Tune in for inspiration, laughter, Biblical truths, zany stories and authentic growth in each podcast episode. Get inspired. Smile. Laugh a little...or a lot (c) 2018, 2019 2022, 2023 - McCracken All rights reserved.

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Friday Apr 28, 2023

What does it mean to live your best life? You hear it coming at you every which way you turn - live your best life, look your best, be your best. But what IS your best? The Bible has something to say about how you live your life and what your best life is. 
For stories, humor, scripture and testimony you can relate to about living your best life, tune in today!
For more info about this podcast and your host, go to 
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #christianhumor #christianpodcast #inspirationalpodcast #liveyourbestlife #lookyourbest #inspiredwhipsers #1womaninspired #christianspeaker #podcastingforjesus 

Friday Apr 21, 2023

The Bible tells us we should be rooted and grounded. But what does that mean and how will that help us? The wisdom in the Bible has much to share with us about becoming balanced, stable and able to withstand the storms of life. 
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, learn about becoming rooted and grounded, stable and strong. Filled with Biblical insights, humor and down to earth reality.
Thank you for tuning in. For more info on this podcast or how to schedule Karen to be a guest on your podcast or at your event, go to 
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #stable #unstable #rootedandgrounded #inspiredwhispers #1womaninspired #karenmccracken #ephesians #ephesians3 

Friday Apr 14, 2023

"Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity." Psalm 21:23 - but how do you do that? 
Words matter, but not just words, tone of voice, attitude, response - they all matter. In this podcast episode titled, "It's all in how you say it" we talk about words, tone of voice and what the Bible says about it. With Biblical examples, scripture, humorous stories and more, this episode is sure to hit home.
For more info on this podcast go to 
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #1womaninspired #womaninspired #karennccracken #wordsmatter #itsallinhowyousayit #inspiredwhispers #psalm2123

Friday Apr 07, 2023

Longing to hear those words "Well done, my good and faithful servant?" Most of us are. But what exactly does that mean and what do you have to do in order to hear those words one day? 
Tune into The Woman Inspired Podcast's 100th episode celebration to find out! We'll dig into this scripture as we talk about serving God and what Jesus did to serve us and save us! 
With personal stories, humor, Biblical truth, and inspiration, this 100th episode, titled, "Well done" will encourage you on your journey to be a good and faithful servant. 
#welldone #goodandfaithful #servantofGod #EasterSunday #Jesuslovesyou #Jesussaves #thewomaninspiredpodcast #womaninspired #1womaninspired #karenmccracken #christianpodcast #100thepisode #podcastcelebration 

Thursday Mar 23, 2023

"Pray and pray some more" is the title of the latest episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast AND it's the only way to have a true, deeper knowledge of who God.
My hope and prayer for you is the same as Ephesians 1:17-19 - "I pray that the God of the Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him." 
This podcast episode is all about how to pray, when to pray and tips for having an effectual, positive, consistent prayer life. I hope you'll tune in. 
For more info on this podcast go to 
Please like, share, follow and download. 
#prayandpraysomemore #praywithoutceasing #ephesians1 #thewomaninspiredpodcast #1womaninspired #womaninspired #karenmccracken #christianspeaker #christianpodcast #humor #podcastsforwomen 

Thursday Mar 16, 2023

Some people think that God is too busy for them; that their stuff is too small and He has more things to concern Himself with than their little old lives. But God cares for ALL of us. He is a God of precise love, exact decisions, accurate care.
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, God's precision, His lovingkindness and personal care for us are all talked about. With Biblical examples, personal testimony and encouragement for those who feel God is not in the details and doesn't have time for them, this episode is one to be listened to more than once - and shared!
For more info on this podcast or your host, Karen...go to 
#karenmccracken #1womaninspired #thewomaninspiredpodcast #faith #christianspeaker #Godsprecision #godisinthedetails #godslove #biblicaltruth 

Friday Mar 10, 2023

Man, have you ever been fractured? Inside or out? Psalm 34:18 says "The Lord is near to those who are brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." 
In this episode of The Woman Inspired, we discuss what it means to be fractured, broken, in pieces, and how the Lord is the only one who can truly put all the pieces together again. He is a salvager, a repurposer and renewer!
For more info on this podcast or the Inspired Whispers asmr podcast, go to 
Thanks for tuning in. 
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #womaninspired #1womaninspired #fractured #beautifullybroken #fantasticallyfractured #Jesusheals #beingbroken 

Friday Mar 03, 2023

Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. Branches made to bear fruit. What kind of fruit are you bearing? Good, bad, none at all? The Bible has something to say about all of it. 
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we talk about bearing fruit - the good, the bad, the fruitless. 
Thank you for tuning in to a little serious, a little fun and a whole lot of fruity talk. For more info on this podcast go to 
#bearingfruit #matthew7 #goodfruit #badfruit #fruitless #1womaninspired #thewomaninspiredpodcast #womaninspired #karenmccracken #heisthevine #vineandbranches 

Friday Feb 24, 2023

Have too many shoes already? Perhaps. But do you have the shoes described in Ephesians 6:15? The shoes of the gospel of peace? They're part of the armor of God we're blessed to have. 
What are these shoes we get to add to our collection? Tune in to this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast to learn more about the shoes of the gospel of peace, how they help armor us up and what this verse means for us in our everyday lives. With humor, Biblical truths and stories, this episode is sure to challenge you and remind you to take up your armor daily.
For more info on this podcast, go to 
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #armorofgod #shoesofpeace #stayarmoredup #shoesofgospel #ephesians6 #1womaninspired #christianpodcast #faithbasedpodcast #womaninspired #christianspeaker #christianhumor 

Friday Feb 17, 2023

Have you seen the Asbury Revival pics and videos? Have you heard the testimonies? I have. I went. It IS true revival. Why? Because people are thirsty and hungry for more than junk! They want to be spiritually fed and be with people who get it -  no matter their age, race, disability, ability, titles, denomination, gender, or financial status. They are hungry to realize we have more in common than not and to feel the presence of the Holy Spirit poured out in the form of love that flows through this revival. They are thirsty and hungry for the peaceful presence of Jesus Christ in a place where they are embraced and not alone. 
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast we get to the heart of the importance of that same kind of thirst and hunger. We straight up talk about why we allow ourselves to be fed with junk instead and what to do about it. I share my insights and experience at Asbury and challenge you to weed out the junk you're being fed with to make room for an amazing appetite for God.
Tune in to this episode titled, "Weed that feed" for stories, humor, tips and Biblical insights on the thirst and hunger for God.
Matthew 5:6 says, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied." 
For more info on this podcast or on how to schedule me for your next event, go to 
#revival #thewomaninspiredpodcast #womaninspired #1womaninspired #karenmccracken #hungryforgod #holyspirithunger #thirstyandhungry #inspiredwhispers #asburyrevival #asburyuniversity 


Tune in for inspiration, laughter, Biblical truths, zany stories and authentic growth in each podcast episode. You can find The Woman Inspired Podcast on Podbean, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and iHeart. Get inspired. Smile. Laugh a little...or a lot.

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