The Woman Inspired Podcast

Tune in for inspiration, laughter, Biblical truths, zany stories and authentic growth in each podcast episode. Get inspired. Smile. Laugh a little...or a lot (c) 2018, 2019 2022, 2023 - McCracken All rights reserved.

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Saturday Feb 11, 2023

Are you lacking joy? Not able to understand how you can feel joy when there's SO much going on in the world to make us sad, worn out, worried? The Bible has MUCH to say about joy and how joy in the Lord is our strength. 
Tune in to this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast - Happy, happy! Joy, joy! to learn more about what joy is, what it is not and how to embrace the gift of joy even in the midst of the most difficult times. 
With Biblical truths, laughter and joy-filled insights, this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast is read to be listened to! 
You can find this episode and all podcast episodes in the podcast player on OR by searching for The Woman Inspired Podcast in Google, Apple, Audible, Amazon, iHeart, Podvine, Podbean and other quality podcast platforms. 
Thank you for tuning in! 
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Friday Feb 03, 2023

Have you ever decided to cook something only to find out it came out half-baked, unfinished and not what it should be? Have you ever set out to accomplish something and it not come to fruition? Could it be because you didn't follow the directions? Did you skip steps in the recipe? Anxious to move ahead or afraid not to skip forward? Been there, done that! I learned the hard way that I need to follow directions and God's timing or things come out half-baked. 
In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast I share about the importance of following God's recipe/plan for your life and following His directions. From recipes, to missions, to using our gifts and talents, having the directions and plans are of the utmost importance...but following them is even more important.
With humor, Biblical truths and stories galore, I think you'll enjoy this episode..."Half-baked". 
You'll find this episode and more at OR on Google, Apple, Audible, iHeart, Podbean, Podvine and many other platforms. 
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Who are you? (Isaiah 43:1)

Friday Jan 27, 2023

Friday Jan 27, 2023

Many people struggle with the core question of who they are, confusing that answer with what they are, what they do for a living and what others expect them to be. In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast Karen talks about answering that eternal question, "Who am I?" and why it's so  important to know the answer! 
With Biblical truths, experience, humor and stories, this episode is sure to make you think, inspire you and prompt you to pray!
For more info on The Woman Inspired Podcast, Inspired Whispers and how to schedule Karen for your next event, conference or retreat, go to 
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Saturday Jan 21, 2023

This episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast is all about the truth - THE truth and the belt of truth. Join Karen as she shares about truth, untruth and the armor of God. With humor, Biblical truth and insights, Karen shares about what truth actually is!
For more info on this podcast and Inspired Whispers, Karen's other podcast, go to
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #karenmccracken #thetruthwillsetyoufree #thebeltoftruth #armorofgod #ephesians #speaktruth #thetruth #christianpodcast #christianspeaker #christianhumor #inspiredwhispers #christianasmr

Friday Jan 13, 2023

What do you focus on when you see someone else or yourself? Is it the outward looks or the inner beauty? It's so easy to get ourselves trapped in a world of vanity and pride when we look around the world today. In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast, Karen talks about focusing less on outward beauty, what the world thinks of us and more on what the Lord thinks of us and who we are in Him.
Tune in today for humor, encouragement, Biblical truth and stories you can relate to!
For more info about this podcast and Karen's other podcast, Inspired Whispers, go to 
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Friday Jan 06, 2023

 How do you protect your mind, your brain, your decision making and journey? By taking up the armor of God. In this episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast Karen talks about the helmet of salvation - the ultimate head gear! 
With Biblical truth, real life application, humor and down to earth reality, this podcast episode helps put the focus on protecting your brain and understanding what the helmet of salvation is! 
Remember: "If you don’t fill your mind with the word of God, the enemy will fill it with fear, anxiety, stress, worry and temptation."
For more info on this podcast and on how to book Karen for your next event, go to 
#thewomaninspiredpodcast #thearmorofGod #helmetofsalvation #headgear #protection #brainprotection #christianpodcast #christianinspiration #christianhumor #karenmccracken #womaninspired #inspiredwhispers 

Friday Dec 30, 2022

Ever heard the saying, "If the enemy can't destroy, he will distract you."? That's truth right there - whether in a physical battle or a spiritual one. This episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast talks about new distractions and how to keep them from taking you off the path you're called. 
With a touch of humor and some distraction stories, this episode titled, "New Distractions" shares the Biblical truth of how drawing nearer to God and deeper in more frequent prayer will help keep you focused on Him and keep the distractions at bay. 
For more info on The Woman Inspired Podcast go to 
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Friday Dec 23, 2022

What kind of a wrapper are you? Are you caught in the wrap trap? This episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast talks about getting caught up in the wrapping instead of the gift. With an emphasis on the true meaning of gifts and gift-giving, "That's a wrap" will make you giggle, smile and hopefully reflect on the real gift of Christmas.
For more info on this podcast or the Inspired Whispers podcast, go to
Thank you for an amazing 2022. Listeners increased, downloads tripled and you've blessed me because of it! I pray you and yours have a very Merry Christmas. - Karen, woman inspired podcast. 
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Friday Dec 16, 2022

What gifts are you expecting this Christmas? This coming year? Are you child-like in your awe and wonder of the holiday or in the days to come? "Wrapped with expectancy" is the latest episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast. Hope you'll tune in for some holiday humor about expecting wonderful things. Warning: this podcast episode is laced with biblical truths and insights about the true gift of Christmas and the hope and expectancy that comes with this season and each season to come.
Thank you for tuning in to The Woman Inspired Podcast. For more info this Podcast and the Inspired Whispers Podcast, go to 
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Friday Dec 09, 2022

This episode of The Woman Inspired Podcast focuses on the Light of the World, Christmas lights and the crazy beauty in it all. 
For more info on this podcast or Inspired Whispers, go to 
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Tune in for inspiration, laughter, Biblical truths, zany stories and authentic growth in each podcast episode. You can find The Woman Inspired Podcast on Podbean, Spotify, Pandora, Apple Podcasts, YouTube and iHeart. Get inspired. Smile. Laugh a little...or a lot.

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